"This book is undoubtedly the best method for resolving issues, improving communication, and building, or rebuilding the connection and love in a relationship. For people seeking for help in their relationship, this is an easy and practical way to get what you want. Follow these thorough, yet simple directions and exercises to learn how to have constructive conversations about topics that have always been difficult to address. At the same time, you will be learning more about and connecting more with the person you love. The authors’ suggestions for positive changes in a relationship are extremely easy to understand and implement."
Santwona Patnick, The writer of "Unleashed Thoughts"
"The love of my life and I do not get in many arguments, we have really strong communication which has allowed us to enjoy our time together. However, when we have had issues it is like we are totally not hearing or understanding one another. “Love Cycles, Fear Cycles”, totally helped me understand why that is. We truly are coming from two totally different angles. The book describes the different angles individuals come at in a relationship. I do not want to give too much of the book away; as I think any person either in a relationship, getting in a relationship, or getting out of a relationship should take the time to read this phenomenal book. I will say it opened my eyes to see where my partner is coming from for my own understanding, and for how I speak to her. Also what I can do to further understand where she is coming from in our relationship."
Michael Lubitz, Co-Host and Executive Producer of 940WINZ and 1230 The Zone
"I loved it.
Overall, I felt the book was lighthearted and entertaining. It was very easy to read and follow and perfectly described some of the situations my husband and I face during our rough patches. I think everyone could use a copy of this book, in fact, my husband is reading it right now and our communication problems have steadily decreased! I can’t wait to if we are able to keep this up for years to come. And Dr. Woodsfellow, when your next book comes out, I’ll be the first one to grab a copy!"
Jane, Blogger at "My Children Call Me Mommy"
"David and Deborah Woodsfellow have been my mentors for almost a decade: I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have attended their workshops and repeatedly participated in their small consultation groups. They have a wealth of knowledge and expertise between them from their own decades of studying couples therapist "masters," and they synthesize the best aspects of each modality for relevant application in particular situations with couples. They have also developed and honed their own own approach over the years, which they call Love Cycles, Fear Cycles. Like any good model, it is simple but far from simplistic.
Not only do the Woodsfellows have expertise in couples therapy, but they offer in their workshops and consultation groups clear explanations of what could be complicated content. They teach in an accessible yet thorough manner. Similarly, in their book the Woodsfellows achieve what few of even the most competent therapists do in self-help/relationship guidance books: they present their ideas in a succinct and easy-to-digest format with illustrative examples from their own relationship, and they include guiding questions and useful exercises for each reader to apply the information immediately to her or his own relationship. Their book reads easily and smoothly in the way that only happens when the authors have labored to make it so.
I'm thrilled that David and Deborah have published their wonderful formula of the Love Cycles, Fear Cycles so that now therapists and couples outside of Atlanta can benefit from their experience and wisdom to help improve and enrich couple relationships."
-- Jennifer A. Watts, Ph.D., LMFT, psychotherapyinatlanta.com
"Brilliant! Very insightful! I felt like the book was literally written specifically for my significant other and myself. The book precisely described the problematic dynamic we have been bumping into for years. I fight, she flies. The exercises are very practical. I am hopeful that my partner will work through this book with me for the betterment of our relationship."
"Get out of the cycle. Ignorance is not bliss. Great book, it’s the real deal for understanding yourself and each other, resolving conflict and defensiveness."
-- H.B. Duncan
"Superb book. In Love Cycles, Fear Cycles, David and Deborah Woodsfellow have summarized twenty-five years of studying couple’s therapy from five knowledgeable and experienced couples therapists, providing help to couples via therapy and coaching, teaching couples therapy classes to clinicians, and incorporating the lessons learned from their marriage. In this book, David and Deborah Woodsfellow have provided guidance to help couples identify and address their fear cycle or negative cycle of interaction as well as use their fear cycle to help couples identify and value their love cycle. This book provides practical, common sense ideas that can help couples dramatically improve their happiness and satisfaction in marriage."
"This method is easy for people to understand and use, and an incredibly effective tool for clinicians to use in their practice. I have been using Love Cycles, Fear Cycles technique with all my clients for the past few years and it is hands down the best method for resolving issues, improving communication, and building, or rebuilding the connection and love in a relationship that I have ever utilized.
For people needing help in their relationship, this is an easy and practical way to get what you want. Follow these thorough, yet simple, directions and exercises to learn how to have constructive conversations about topics that have been difficult all while learning more about, and connecting with, the person you love.
For clinicians, the Woodsfellows have spent decades developing this incredibly effective and precise tool as a result of years of intensive training in all of the most effective couples therapy modalities as well as their own experiences. The finished product is a brilliant tool that will help you be a better therapist and lead your couples to long happy relationships."
-- Patti Lyons, LMFT, pattilyons.com
"This is a book that everyday couples will love, because it will save them a lot of money on therapy if they read it carefully. For the same reason, therapists will hate it. Their patients will get better a lot faster. But it will be worth it because they will have gained some skill. It is written in a direct, personal style that reaches straight into the heart of relationship hell, and also provides a vehicle to relationship heaven. And it touches you because the Woodsfellows tell you, convincingly, that they've been there, and they know how to get back. And I've always believed that the best guides are the ones that have traveled here before."
-- David Rouzer, PhD, dlrouzerphd.com
"This is a very important book. Relationships are complex, differences can be profound, but the Woodsfellows’ present the difficult and complex in a practical and understandable way. Their very personal style is engaging and caring. I can think of couples who could’ve been helped but fortunately now many other couples and individuals in other relationships will be helped to have more fulfilling, loving lives."
-- Sara Ghitis
"I have used this information with many couples and each time they are amazed about what they learn about themselves and their partners. Every couple needs to understand their cycles. By understanding your cycles you free yourself up to work through the fights in a way that brings you closer and helps to meet your underlying needs. I have used this information with many couples and each time they are amazed at what they learn about themselves and their partners. If knowledge is power then this book walks you through adding some healing power to your relationship. The authors lay out the process in easy to understand way so that you can walk through the process yourself."
-- Paul Austin, LPC, couplescounseling-atlanta.com
"David and Deborah have created more than another book on being with your partner. Their book allows everyone to review, retreat and reinvent their relationships. The exercises make the text come alive, a real way to talk through how to stay committed. Sometimes we just forget to check in with the person on the other side of the breakfast table, thank you, David and Deborah, for a practical and positive way to do just that."
"David and Deborah Woodsfellow share with us their own 25-year long marriage from which to learn. Their authentic examples bring to our consciousness the unconscious processes underlying many relationships and creating cycles that move between love and withdrawal. Their insights are accompanied by practical tools that when applied can help support greater harmony in any relationship."
-- Shlomit Ritz Finkelstein
"What makes this book so unique is David and Deborah share so much of themselves. All of us can identify with their struggles because it is so normal to be in the same situation as they have been. Their suggestions for positive change are easy to understand and implement. The diagrams make it easy to understand what needs to be done for positive change. An easy read but powerful."
-- Rick Blue, PhD, bluephd.com
"Great read for couples looking to get on track or stay on track! As a marriage therapist I recommend it to my clients, who find it an easy read with spot-on exercises and great insights. Highly recommended!"
-- Daniel Zimet, PhD danielzimet.com
"I've read A LOT of relationship-focused books, but Love Cycles, Fear Cycles was like the missing piece. I've always understood intellectually that our fear creates the very thing we don't want in our lives - but I've never understood how. In the step by step exercises, the authors guide you to create a personalized map of your triggers, where they come from, how they create the repetitive pain cycle that you're stuck in with your partner, and how to find the way out of it. Armed with this knowledge, I've finally been successful in getting some distance from old emotional reactions and been motivated to pause and consciously choose a new positive one, in the moment, that leads to the outcome I want. The insights in this book are both incredibly practical and deeply spiritual - applicable to every area of life. Must read!"